Topical Resources of Study
American Academy of Pediatrics Statement and Responses
ABCs of Keeping Your Baby Intact
Breastfeeding and Circumcision
Cervical Cancer / HPV
Circumcision by Gomco (1 of 2 most common forms)
Circumcision by Plastibell (1 of 2 most common forms)
Intact Care (infancy through adulthood)
Intact vs. Circumcised Anatomy and Physiology
Locker Room / Youth Comparisons
Medical Professionals for Genital Autonomy
Memory and Neurological Impact
Mormon Church / Latter-Day Saints
Number of Intact Men: U.S Statistics
Pediatric Statements on Intact Care
Penis and Clitoris: Analogous Organs
Physician Packets (Prevention and Retraction)
Regret of Circumcision (Keeping Future Sons Intact)
UTIs (urinary tract infections)
Georgetown University: Elephant in the Hospital
Circumcision: The Whole Story -Dr. Christopher Guest
The Penis: Sex Education 101 - Marilyn Milos, R.N.